
AN08: Day Two is done, Vampt Vo disappears!

Yes, today was in fact my last day at AnimeNEXT 2008. I'm leaving on a bit of a vacation starting tomorrow, so I will be unable to attend and provide wonderful audio content for you during the convention's final day. Yes, that also means that due to limited time, there will be no podcast episode recorded directly from AnimeNEXT. Lots of bonus content like recorded panels and press conferences, but no official episodes. Here's what I did today, most of which include some sort of media for you to enjoy after my 2-week break:

  • An incredible panel about fansubs by voice actor and anti-fansub crusader Greg Ayres. The part that I recorded will be on the podcast, and you should all hear it.
  • Media Blasters panel, which was only a half hour and didn't include any new announcements. I am a sad panda.
  • Gaijin in Japan, a panel about living in Japan run by Corbin of the Front Row Crew, who has visited Japan multiple times. Also features Mari Morimoto. (No I didn't get a chance to record this)
  • Anime and the Revolving Door of Culture, run by anime experts Rob Fenelon, Brian Price, and Walter Amos, involved connections between anime and American pop culture. Expect the full recording on the podcast.
  • Photos and video from Uncle Yo and C.R.A.Z.Y.O.T.A.K.U.
  • Moar cosplay shots!!
So, sadly, I will have to be leaving tomorrow. I will be internet-less for two whole weeks, and hence will be unable to post anything at all. I'm sorry about that guys. I trust that Alex will be able to handle our news for two weeks, though there will not be any reviews in that time due to our lack of reviews editors.


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