We love Otakon here at Ani-Gamers. For the past few years we've been eagerly heading down to Charm City to meet up with fellow bloggers, speak with awesome guests, and take in the stunning variety of fan panels on display at the convention. But this year (July 29-31) is going to be EVEN BETTER.
In addition to Ink and I (who have been attending the con for a few years now), our very own — and very British — Elliot Page will be coming to the States to attend and cover the convention. And if that's not exciting enough, we're running "Fandom & Criticism: The Art of Active Viewing" on Friday at 6 PM, with all three Ani-Gamers bloggers talking about what it means to be both a fan and a critic, and how those two viewing styles interact. Trust us, this is going to be a great panel; we've gotten some really insightful audience participation at previous versions of it.
Now that I've spoiled the surprise in the title but led you on for two paragraphs of typical pre-con hype, I'd like to announce our little con game for Otakon 2011: "Otaku Bingo." How does it work? Well, you print off one of these fancy little cards and mark each square whenever you see that event occur somewhere at the con. We generally included funny, often groan-worthy moments of fandom silliness, so we hope it'll give you a chuckle or two. If you get five in a row, send your Bingo card to me and we just might publish it on the site (as long as we don't see any evidence that you lied about the squares that you got, but really guys, please be honest).
At the very least, Ink, Elliot, and I will be playing Otaku Bingo amongst ourselves during the con (with a punishment for the loser to be determined by the other two players), but we'd love to get our readers, listeners, and fellow bloggers involved. So feel free to print out a card or find us during the con to get one from us. Of course, if you have ideas for more squares for us to use next time, definitely let us know. Have fun, and see you at Otakon!
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