
This Month in Ani-Gamers ~ April 2009

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Spring is finally in full swing here on the East Coast, bringing with it green trees, blue skies, chirping birds, and all of those things that don't really bring out a particularly strong impulse to sit inside and punch letters into a computer. But how could we possibly resist our inner bloggers, when there's so much to write about? In the coming weeks, we've got convention reports, long-overdue feature articles, and of course, Ink's new column – Fullmetal Alchemist: The Brotherhood Diaries!

Outside of that, I've just settled my plans for my first ever weekend at Otakon in Baltimore, where you should be able to find Ink, Karl, and I come this July. And in the next week, you just might see a new staff member on the team, and a special promotion for a current one. Stay tuned for all the fantastic things up ahead.

If you weren't paying attention, this month had some great developments in anime, with the streaming of tons of new spring season anime series (discussed in Podcast #014), as well as the first in what will hopefully be a major trend of free manga online – Viz's preview of Rumiko Takahashi's Rin-ne. We also had some bittersweet news of Will Wright's leaving EA, and tragedy in CPM's bankruptcy. Two anime reviews, a comic book review, CPAC 2009 coverage, and TWO chances to win Schoolgirl Milky Crisis (Enter the blog contest and the podcast contest) round off a fantastic month here at Ani-Gamers.

If you're man enough, read about all of this month's posts after the break.

Will Wright leaves EA to focus on Stupid Fun Club
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion now available on CrunchyRoll
Viz announces simultaneous release for new Takahashi manga, Rin-ne
Central Park Media breathes its final breath

Dog Eaters (Issues 1 and 2)
School Days (Sub)
Ga-Rei -Zero- (Sub)

CPAC09: Hey, you got your socio-political analysis in my anime!
Con Report: Castle Point Anime Convention 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist: The Brotherhood Diaries - Mission Statement
FMA: The Brotherhood Diaries - Episode 1
FMA: The Brotherhood Diaries - Episode 2

Ani-Gamers Podcast #014 - Offensive to Pretty Much Everyone

Win a copy of Schoolgirl Milky Crisis!

On Deck:
[Review] Paranoia Agent (Hyb) - Uncle Yo
[Review] Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad (Hyb) - Vampt Vo
[Column] Otakudemia: Beck - Ink
[Con Report] Sakura Matsuri 2009 - Vampt Vo & Ink
[Review] Schoolgirl Milky Crisis - Vampt Vo
[Review] White Album (Sub) - Uncle Yo

Thanks for reading. See you next week!


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