
Sony denies PS3 redesign despite rumors, photos

The alleged box art for the rumored PS3 redesign

The world of video games goes haywire around E3, and this year is no different. As such, Sony is trying to keep a tight lid on any rumors coming out about their video game platforms and games, including the big-time speculation over a possible redesign of their ailing PS3 platform. However, Sony told CVG yesterday that "We currently don't have any plans for a redesigned PS3." The outlet was quick to take Sony's word and dismiss the idea of a redesign coming so early in the console's life cycle (released in 2006 after all), but 1UP has got a rumor that puts Sony's quote into question.

According to a Chinese message board, the picture to the right is the official box for the newly branded "PS3" (no longer the full "Playstation 3"), which would seem to sport a new, slimmer redesign. The source claims that the images come from a Chinese factory, and they look real enough. Even so, don't be fooled by a realistic fake, since Sony will be sure to confirm this near-finished design at E3 if it really is happening.

Check out the rest of the allegedly leaked factory images after the break, but – as always – bring along your ten-ton grain of salt.

[via 1UP and CVG]


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