
SEGA picks up publishing rights for The Conduit

The Conduit

Wii fans have been frothing at the mouth for going on a year waiting for The Conduit, High Voltage Software's new Wii-exclusive first-person shooter that will reportedly "revolutionize" the way mature games are played on the Wii. However, High Voltage has been working on their game for months and months without a publisher - yes, their entire development effort was self-funded. Now that they have been able to exercise complete creative control over the game, they have settled on a publisher to bring their cherished creation to the masses: SEGA.

I know what you're thinking: "SEGA? The guys who butchered my Sonic games? The guys who promised Aliens: Colonial Marines and haven't shown anything since?" Don't you worry, though, SEGA, publishers of the highly-anticipated (and hyper-violent) MadWorld for the Wii, have a "belief in the Wii's gaming potential beyond the casual market," according to Sega of America President Simon Jeffrey. The Conduit hits shelves in Spring 2009, so cross your fingers that we don't get another Red Steel.

[via Joystiq]


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