
NYAF launches NewYorkAnimeFans.com

New York Anime Fans

At today's Death Note live-action movie release event at Kinokuniya Bookstores in New York City, I sat down for a brief chat with Peter Tatara about the New York Anime Festival and Kinokuniya's presence in the Big Apple. (The writeup for that will be on the site soon) Peter just couldn't resist letting me know about NYAF and Reed Expositions' newest project, a website dedicated to New York City anime events: New York Anime Fans.

The site aims to be a comprehensive calendar listing every anime event in New York City, although it is under construction at the moment. Want to watch an anime at an independent theater? Want to go to a release event at a bookstore? Want to check out a Japanese museum exhibit? Being a resident of the NYC area myself, I must admit my excitement about such a valuable resource for New York anime fans.


Anonymous said...

I really can't think of a better opportunity to support this emerging subculture into mainstream media.

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