
FUNimation controls 33% of anime industry (and your mind)


As if you needed more proof that FUNimation, which gobbled up dropped Geneon and ADV titles a couple months ago, was taking over your anime industry, here are some hard numbers from respected pop culture site ICv2. FUNimation sold approximately 32.7% of all anime sales for the first half of 2008, with the other major companies falling far behind. ICv2 notes that VideoScan's data does not include Wal-Mart sales, but FUNimation's "significant presence" at the retailer would likely increase its percentage.

The new anime industry heirarchy has FUNimation with 32.7%, Viz Media with 15.9%, ADV Films with 10.5%, Bandai Entertainment with 7.7%, and Media Blasters with 5%. Most startling is that ADV, which is generally considered to be going out of business, sold more than Bandai, which has acquired such popular titles as Gurren Lagann, Gundam 00, and Code Geass.

For more reading on FUNimation's new status in the industry, make sure to check out Scott's post over at the Anime Almanac, The FUNizoid - The Industry’s Last Hope.

[via ICv2]


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