
Ani-Gamers Podcast #005 - Ghost Hound Review

Ghost Hound Here we are at episode five already! Tune in this episode to hear Karl "Uncle Yo" Custer and I ramble aimlessly about the recent psychological drama anime Ghost Hound, Production I.G.'s 20th Anniversary project. We've got the Links of the Day segment thrown in at the end there, but What'cha Been Doing is M.I.A. for this episode. FYI, the audio balancing on this episode is probably going to be criminally off thanks to tech problems with Karl's new mic.

Oh, and check us out at New York Anime Festival. Karl and I will be rocking the podcast gig at his artist's alley table, so you pretty much need to come say hi and bring meaning to our purposeless lives.

Show notes and supplementary links after the break.

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[0:00:00] Intro (Greg Ayres)

[0:00:05] Evan's little pre-show message about audio quality and other mixups.

[0:00:32] Opening Song: "R.O.D Theme" by Taku Iwasaki (R.O.D. OVA opener)

[0:00:55] Karl and Evan get right into the Ghost Hound review, forgetting about "What'cha Been Doing" and all that other stuff. Whatever.

[0:18:58] There's a jump here because we stopped and re-recorded. Karl's mic was being crappy and Evan couldn't hear him all the time. We (sort of) fixed it after this point.

[0:43:16] Musical Break: "Poltergeist" by Mayumi Kojima (Ghost Hound opener)

[0:44:45] Now we move on to animation and sound, the most impressive parts of Ghost Hound.

[1:05:24] Musical Break: "Call My Name ~Kazenari no Oka~" by Yucca (Ghost Hound ending)

[1:06:24] The review is over, so we talk about Links of the Day - Jon Stewart, Fox News Trade Barbs (Karl), Living Legit - A Month Without Fansubs (Evan)

[1:16:21] Plug time for the New York Anime Festival. Karl and I will be battling with the forces of anime fandom at his artist's alley table, complete with press badge and podcast recording equipment. Come say hello!

[1:22:13] Ending Song: "H.T." by Tsuneo Imahori (Trigun opener)

[1:22:42] Outro (Damn you, Digg!)

Jon Stewart, Fox News Trade Barbs (Huffington Post)
Living Legit - A Month Without Fansubs (The Anime Almanac)
New York Anime Festival


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