
Voter registration coming to Xbox 360

Rock the Vote

Starting August 25th, Xbox Live users will be able to register to vote thanks to a partnership between Microsoft and activist organization Rock the Vote. This new service aims at getting more young people interested in politics by providing them access to Rock the Vote’s public service announcements, a special presidential forum, and various political polls. The service will be promoted by Xbox at both of the upcoming Republican and Democratic conventions. There, Microsoft will reinforce the parental controls and guidelines surrounding its console and the Xbox Live service.

“Xbox is a natural partner to help us reach out to youth voters,” says Heather Smith, executive director of Rock the Vote. “To realize our goal of registering 2 million young Americans by this fall, we need to go where young Americans are, and there’s no doubt in our minds that many are on Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE.”

[via Gamasutra]


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