Damn you, Sony! If you're going to release major gaming news, please do it at least a day after AnimeNEXT, so I can report it! Anyway, Sony finally confirmed two great pieces of news that gamers, Sony fans or otherwise, have been waiting for for a while. Not only is the company bringing their previously Korean-only 80 Gigabyte Playstation 3 Model to North America, but they have also officially lowered the price of the 60GB PS3 from $599 to $499 ($549 CND). This price drop goes into effect today, to the joy of gamers everywhere. The 80GB model will go on sale in August, for a suggested retail price of $599 ($659), the same price the 60GB model was just recently being sold for. In addition, the hit game Motorstorm will be packaged with all 80GB models.
I've been on the fence with the whole PS3/360 debate, but this is sure to help Sony close the gap between their biggest competitor. Hopefully, this can help Sony get past the sales problems they've run into since launch, many of which were attributed to a high price.
[via Joystiq]

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