
Dgamer: Disney gets in on the social networking scene

At Disney's E3 press conference, (yes they do have one) they announced a new social networking system for their DS titles called "Dgamer." The system will allow players to chat with friends, track high scores, and create and customize online avatars. Certain features will only be unlocked by playing certain games or beating certain challenges in said games.

The feature will be usable on DS, but players can also access their Dgamer account through the Dgamer section of Disney.com. The first game to utilize Dgamer will be Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Obviously, Dgamer will only be used in Disney-branded games.

Indeed, this does sound a whole lot like Xbox Live. In addition to that, it begs the question: If Disney can do it, why not Nintendo? With all of their other social networking features on the Wii, you would think gamers would get something like this.
[via Joystiq]


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